2019 11 MYAT
Community Action Pitch Competition
This driven and dedicated group of a dozen youth ages 12-17 is full of energy and ideas! As we lead into Year 2 of our OTF funding, we are looking for more adults to be more meaningfully involved in our committee to help us meet the following Halton-wide goals:
1000 Youth have increased knowledge about local resources
500 youth, parents and/or organizations gain increased knowledge and awareness about key areas concerning youth
50 youth involved in continuing to build partnerships around increasing positive youth hangout spaces
The Community Action Project Pitch is an opportunity for our group members to come up with ideas on what the Milton Youth Action Team can work on to support the community in the coming months.
For the last few weeks, our team split into 3 groups to design “pitches” for three community action projects that vary in causes and style.
Community Action Project parameters (aka the “guidelines” that groups are to follow)
Purpose: To help the Milton community (People, Animals, Places, etc.) and develop an action project that our group can work on in the coming months
Issue: This must address an issue or opportunity in Milton (back it up with research and facts)
Timeline: Planning from January to March, completed in spring 2020
Pitch preparation with Michelle Dittmer and Lily Viggiano
The Pitch Winners and Judges.
Team One - Darling Home of Kids fundraiser - Iman Ahsan, Mira Kikhia, Farrah Laufer and Amber Siddiqui
Team Two - Town of Milton Eco-friendly community policy changes - Kacy Bao and Nabeha Hafiz
Team Three - Multicultural Food event with HMC Connections - Saad Ahmed, Rayyan “Syed” Bukhari, Ali Malik, and Tyler Snyder
Community Judges
Mary Tabak, Our Kids Network
Ron Taylor, Halton Families for Families
Lisa Portelli, Milton Public LIbrary
Mike, Town of Milton
Pitch winner
The Darling Home for Kids fundraiser was given the solution spotlight at our pitch event. They were given a $1000 budget to support their efforts. Unfortunately, we were mid-planning when COVID-19 hit and our in-person fundraiser idea was tabled. Thankfully, in Fall 2020 we hosted a virtual Crafting for a Cause campaign in support of Darling Home for Kids. We raised over $500.