Our Communications Crew Members Share Their Thoughts
By: Faith W., Seven Somebodies (Acton)
April 20, 2020
In this time of a pandemic many people are stressed and need a way to spend their time. As a high school student I’ve been getting work from my teachers to do during this time so that we all keep up with the work we would have done in class.
What I’ve been doing during quarantine is arts and crafts with supplies found around my home. Most recently, my family has painted a “stained glass” glass piece on our front window. Facing the street so that our neighbours can see too. The stained glass is made of acrylic paint and glue. It peels off and is easy to clean up. If you’re looking to try it out, here’s what you’ll need to do:
1. Clean the glass surface you will use 2. Use green tape (painter's tape) to
create section on the glass 3. Stir up one acrylic paint colour and
clear glue (2 parts paint, 1 part glue) 4. Use a paint brush to put on the glass 5. Let dry and voila!
My mom and I are also selling and delivering stuffed animals to children. Each kit contains a furry friend for each kid to help make them feel better. Recently, we delivered kits to day care centers for the children of healthcare workers. Each child made a worry bear, to put all their worries into, as their families are on the front line of the pandemic and they can feel the stress and worries of their parents.